
2018年SSRP 评估 (.pdf)

The 暑期学生研究计划(SSRP) supports independent student research and scholarly activity each summer. The program is open to students from all disciplines, and is structured to enrich the educational experience in several ways.

第一个, SSRP enables students to engage in original research and creative activity under the guidance of a faculty mentor. This opportunity to work closely with an expert gives the student a chance to expand their knowledge of a chosen academic discipline. 其次, because this work is independent of the structured classroom setting, students experience the excitement and challenges of applying their knowledge and skills in their chosen academic discipline. 最后, students draw on their general studies coursework and learn about other disciplines, broadening their understanding of the differences and connections between various fields of study.

该项目将于5月底开始. 学生 should regularly meet with their mentors and will participate in biweekly meetings. These discussions are meant to foster awareness of disciplines outside their major, 可能包括道德等主题, 统计数据的使用, 或者艺术创作的过程. 会议将于8月1日结束, and students must complete their projects and submit a research paper (or discipline specific product) before the beginning of the new academic year. 每年十月, students then present their work on posters and in oral presentations in the Fall Student Research Symposium.