从体育菠菜大平台的学生到Kearney winelectric的总裁

发布:2023年5月2日上午12:00:00 CDT

For recent college graduate Hunter Novacek, finding a job wasn’t a problem. As a graduate of the 内布拉斯加大学 at Kearney’s Industrial Distribution program, 一个以几乎100%的就业率而自豪的地方, 诺瓦切克知道他很有可能立即找到工作. However, his journey as an ID student helped him do more than just land a job. He was able to take loping strides from seeing his name printed on his college diploma to watching it appear on his office door as president of his own company immediately following graduation. 

While Novacek admits that it was always “a goal of (his) to be able to be the president of a local company,“他在体育菠菜大平台的道路实际上是从农业综合企业项目开始的. Being a Kearney native who had certainly heard about 体育菠菜大平台’s successful ID program, 没过多久他就决定换专业了. 事实证明, that was the start of the journey that would help him become president of his own company at an unusually young age.


博士. 本Brachle, 体育菠菜大平台的ID教员, 股票, careers in this industry are “hidden in plain sight” and it’s almost impossible to “graduate students fast enough because they are uniquely positioned to get into these roles.” Novacek credits classes taught by his former professors, including Dr. Brachle, for preparing him to step out of the classroom and through the doors of his own business.

当讨论他的课程在体育菠菜大平台, Novacek mentions how “simple challenging things like breaking down a PnL” has had a “huge impact” on what he does now. Using PnLs (profit and loss statements) in place of traditional textbooks in classes, 比如他怀念的那个. Brachle teaching, helped Novacek, who classifies himself as a “very hands-on learner.他也这么认为, 作为一名学生, what he “really like(d) about the ID program” was “being able to learn without having to just read it from a textbook.” He credits his “professors who are knowledgeable about the industry” with helping him walk across the graduation stage and into his own business almost immediately.

When asked about how the ID professors manage to thoroughly prepare their students for future careers, Novacek mentions the benefits of experiential learning in the classroom. He states that the “ID program really does a great job training” students through their use of “a lot of mock interviews” as well as “mock sales.他还说,与他的教授交谈非常愉快, seamlessly passing on their insight and experience to students such as him.


Thinking back on everything he learned 作为一名学生 in 体育菠菜大平台’s ID program, Novacek says that the sales competition he was able to be a part of has had a huge impact on his current success as a business owner. Knowing that the people interviewing him were actually part of the ID industry made this experience more than just hands-on; it made it “fairly similar to real life.”

为诺, who was able to participate in internships as well as work in the industry before graduation, he feels thankful that the opportunities he received at 体育菠菜大平台 helped him graduate without feeling a ‘huge shock” when he entered “the real world” of business.

This knowledge explains why he has already hired several 体育菠菜大平台 Lopers to work for him at Kearney Winlectric. He currently has two 体育菠菜大平台 alumni working for him as well as a current ID student and a current supply chain management student. As a business owner, he knows that “you get a lot of blue-collar hard-working kids” from 体育菠菜大平台. He appreciates that these students “also have the social intelligence” that is needed to work in his sales department. He credits 体育菠菜大平台’s ID program for “putting Grade-A people in front of companies” that want to hire them. 为诺, who turned down a job offer to open his own business after last year’s graduation, he is well aware of the talent being piped out of 体育菠菜大平台 and into Central Nebraska and beyond.

For him, entering the ID program at 体育菠菜大平台 was the start of his dream coming true. He believes there’s “not a better place in the world that you could be other than Central Nebraska” and he is grateful for a career that allows him to live his best life in the town he has always called home.


Even though he is currently living out his goal of being the president of his own local company, 诺瓦切克对自己的未来有更多的目标. 其中包括将他的业务扩展到更多的员工. He wants the majority of those who work for him to come from 体育菠菜大平台. After all, he personally spends his days using what he learned in his own college classes. He finds himself reflecting on what he learned at 体育菠菜大平台 as he puts it into practice, making him confident that he will be able to hire fellow Lopers who will one day do the same as his employees.

为博士. 本·布拉谢尔博士. 亚历杭德罗·卡西斯先生. 米奇•彼得斯, 以及所有参与体育菠菜大平台 ID项目的人, stories like this one are simply a byproduct of the focus on relationships and real-world applications that they make available to all their students. Hunter Novacek plans to take advantage of the hard work of his former professors. 对于许多企业主来说也是如此, 他很感激体育菠菜大平台的ID项目, 隐藏在商业和技术学院的宝石.

相关页面: 工业配送学位课程


类别 : 一般, 商业及科技, 企业家, 市场营销

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