Professional Conduct Committee - 两厢情愿的关系 政策


  1. The Principle and Basis for the 政策 on 两厢情愿的关系
    The integrity of the teacher-student relationship is the foundation of the University’s educational mission. This relationship vests considerable trust in the teacher, 谁, 反过来, bears authority and accountability as a mentor, 教育家, 和评估者. 这种关系中固有的不平等的制度权力加剧了学生的脆弱性和被胁迫的可能性. 教师和学生之间的教学关系必须受到保护,不受可能影响或干扰符合大学目标和理想的学习的活动的影响. 类似的, 大学致力保障教职员在履行职责时的诚信和客观.

  2. 利益冲突
    Although conflict of interest issues can be resolved, in a consensual 浪漫的 or sexual relationship involving a power differential, the potential for serious consequences remains. A faculty or staff member 谁 enters into a relationship with a student, or a supervisor with a subordinate, where a professional power differential exists must be aware that:

    • the reasons for each party's entering such a relationship may be a function of the power differential;
    • if a charge of sexual harassment is alleged, it will be exceedingly difficult to defend against such a charge on grounds of mutual consent;
    • the individual with the power in the relationship will likely bear the burden of accountability.
    在双方同意的关系中,即使利益冲突得以避免或解决,各方之间的权力差异也可能引起其他严重问题. The student or employee with lesser power may fear reprisals even when no specific threats are made. 相反, the student or employee with lesser power may hope for rewards even when no specific promises are made. All 内布拉斯加大学 at Kearney faculty, staff and students should be fully aware that sexual harassment is prohibited by institutional policy.
  3. 政策
    The Standards of Professional Conduct are set forth in the 内布拉斯加大学 at Kearney Professional Conduct Committee - Rules and Procedures, Section 2 "Standards of Professional Conduct Subject to Committee Jurisdiction" (Adopted by the 内布拉斯加大学 at Kearney 教师参议院, December 5,1991.revised, January, 1995 and November, 1999)

    Enumerated within the Standards of Professional Conduct is the following:

    Professional 工作人员 or 教师 Member:
    应回避专业工作人员作为导师负有主要权力和责任的一切情况, 教育家, evaluator or supervisor over any student, 与专业工作人员有两厢情愿的浪漫或性关系的教员或职员.

    虽然最大的菠菜的平台并不禁止教师和学生或主管和员工之间双方同意的浪漫或性关系, it strongly discourages them. 所有教师, 主管和其他员工应该明白,即使是一种明显的双方同意的关系,在存在权力差异的情况下,也存在巨大的风险. 这是, one of the parties is likely to have influence over the other's assignments, 成绩, 或者雇佣条款. The inherent power differential between the parties may compromise freedom of choice. 此外, 对偏袒的看法可能会导致第三方认为,教师和学生或主管和下属员工之间就任务达成双方同意的浪漫或性关系,使他们处于不利地位, 年级, 或者雇佣条款

    最大的菠菜的平台重申了普遍接受的伦理原则,即应该避免对与自己亲密的人进行正式评价. If a close relationship with emotional ties develops, the faculty member or supervisor bears a special burden of accountability.
  4. 回避责任
    为此目的, 当共享性行为的大学社区成员之间存在监督或评估关系时,体育菠菜大平台政策要求回避(放弃监督角色), 浪漫的, 或者家庭关系. This policy covers, but is not limited to, persons in the following professional relationships:

    • 所有教师 (regardless of tenure or contract status) and their students;
    • Supervisors and the employees they supervise; and
    • Student or employee and administrator, 教练, 顾问, 辅导员, or residential staff member 谁 has supervisory responsibility for a student or employee.
    是否应该在体育菠菜大平台社区成员之间发展个人关系,这些成员也处于监督或评估关系中, the person in the position of greater authority shall recuse herself/himself; that is, 应放弃(有或无解释)监督或评估角色,并为另一方的客观表现或学术评估作出适当安排. 当回避发生时, the person 谁se work is being supervised must be informed of the recusal in writing.
  5. 解决冲突
    1. 声明回避的责任在于在这段关系中处于更大权威地位的人. 该声明应向该人员的直接行政主管(部门或项目主席/主任)提交, 迪安, 或者副校长). Resolution of the conflict will normally be accomplished at the first level of administration (department/program). If resolution is not accomplished at this level, 将在体育菠菜大平台管理的每个后续级别寻求解决方案,直至并包括相应的副校长.
    2. 任何因双方同意的恋爱或性关系(和/或这种关系所带来的负面情况)而感到委屈的人都可以通过向行政主管(部门或项目主席/主任)提出她/他的担忧来寻求解决方案, 迪安, 或者副校长)) of the faculty or staff member 谁 is subject to recusal. This is the first level of resolution.

      认识到报告和/或投诉的情况可能会对受害方造成恐吓或伤害, 我们鼓励投诉人通过内布拉斯加大学科尔尼分校的申诉专员寻求帮助,申诉专员将向投诉人提供政策解释和指导. Depending on circumstances, 监察员可以确定,监察员代表投诉人与适当的行政监察员初步努力解决冲突符合投诉人的最大利益.
    3. 如果以下两个条件中的任何一个都不能消除与双方同意的关系相关的冲突, 任何因缺乏解决方案而感到委屈的人都可以向专业行为委员会提出指控,指控那些未能回避自己或未能根据这些程序建立客观监督程序的人的专业行为不端. 条件是:

      1. Recusal actions associated with a consensual relationship do not resolve the conflict; or
      2. 由双方同意的关系产生的冲突的解决不能通过回避或向连续的高级行政办公室上诉来完成.
  6. 有条件的监督
    在特殊和不寻常的情况下,如上述情况将严重不利地影响被监督或评估人员的学术或职业前途, 当与下一级行政官员(系主任或主任)作出具体规定时,可作为最后手段保留监督或评价关系, 迪安, Vice Chancellor) for objective oversight of the performance.